Do you want to be more whole, more joyful, more able to respond to whatever life brings your way? To have less physical tension and pain?
To be ourselves, we have to be able to feel ourselves.
For many of us, life has required that we put parts of ourselves away, that we protect ourselves by shutting down feelings that are too strong or scary or painful. As children, our ability to pull ourselves in and hide can be necessary for survival. But as adults, it becomes a habit that prevents us from living the life we want.
My work is all about nurturing our ability to be in this present moment with whatever is there, whether it is painful or joyful.
Only when we can allow all sensations can we be fully alive.
The Rosen Method is a form of somatic therapy that uses touch and dialogue to create a safe container in which we can learn how to feel ourselves deeply, without fear or holding back. The gentle healing touch and profound curiosity of Rosen can literally rewire our nervous systems and help us find new ways of being in the world with all of ourselves available.
Often what blocks us isn't only ours - it is inherited from our ancestors and learned from our family system. The profound and beautiful group phenomenological process of Family Constellations is deeply effective in identifying and bringing to neutrality the patterns that we have inherited and unconsciously perpetuate.
We don't have to live limited and contracted lives.
Come find out what it is like to be at ease with whatever arises in your life, to live from flow rather than resistance!

Based in the Northeast Los Angeles area, Katarina (Kato) Wittich has been midwifing others in their journey toward wholeness for over twenty years. Her primary modalities are the somatic therapy practice of Rosen Method with the addition of Yuen Method energetic tools, and the powerful group phenomenological practice of Family Constellations.
She is the founder of Liquid Soul Ecstatic Dance, a collective which provides the healing and joyful practice of moving in community for North East Los Angeles.
Please reach out for rates, further information or to join my emailing list.